Support Our Online Fundraisers Now!

ANCHOR. Name: backtotop

Current Online Fundraisers/Drives

The Dorothy and Joseph Donnelly Memorial Fund (MoJo Fund)
Created By
Donnelly, Joseph
General Fundraising
$ 64,551.00

ANCHOR. Name: howtosupport
How to support a fundraiser or drive

Online fundraisers cannot reach their goals without utilizing social media. There are, of course, exceptions to every rule but it is uncommon to see a successful personal fundraiser who did not share on social media.


Share Fundraisers With Your Friends


You can help existing fundraisers reach their goals by clicking on the

email or network share buttons that look like the images below. 

When viewing each individal fundraising page, you will find these buttons below the main title and image.




Facebook is the biggest social media platform out there and you can make a huge difference in the outcome of a fundraiser by simply clicking the Facebook share button. When you click the button you are presented with a screen where you can explain why you are sharing the link. Type in your reason and encourage others to share the fundraiser on their profile. Facebook generates a preview of the content on that page including the title from the page, a short summary, and a photo so there is nothing more you need to do. Just click share to Facebook and you have helped tremendously.


You can use the link provided on the fundraiser or event to share to other social networks such as Twitter, Pinterest, Tumblr and instant messengers like Facebook Messenger and Skype.

There is also an email button where you can easily enter an email address and invite people by email to visit the fundraiser.

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